1st Training Year – 2024

1rst Training Workshop, in person (35 hours)


Dates:  Wednesday 17/1/2024, 13:00 - Sunday 21/1/2024, 13:00


Topic: “Supervision: A Collaborative Endeavor”

Supervision is a process during which supervisor and therapist are collaborating and learning about the client, about the therapy process, and about themselves.  This course will present a model of supervision using of multiple lenses, which expand the possibilities for understanding what transpires in both the therapy and the supervisory hour and offers clinical interventions for both. 

Included topics: supervision interview and relationship, contract, supervision wheel, issues in supervision, stages of supervision, reflecting teams, and cultural proficiency.

Coordinator: Estrup Liv


Facilitator: Hatzilakou Katia - “GestaltTango process”


Facilitator: Balliou Despina - “Creative process”


Venue: Gestalt Foundations’ offices in Athens, 37 Ipirou Str., 173 41, Ag. Dimitrios.


Visit and guided tour to Acropolis Museum (optional participation)


2nd Training Workshop, webinar (14 hours)


Dates: Saturday 30/03/2024 & Sunday 31/03/2024, 10:00 – 17:00


Topic: “Issues of diagnosis and psychopathology in supervision”

In this two-part seminar we will explore issues regarding the methods of diagnosis and the varieties of psychopathology as they appear in the supervision setting. Diagnostic maps and aesthetic criteria will be (re)visited as navigational aids in exploring the client-therapist-supervisor field. Continuous education and support in the diagnostic process will be discussed as roles of the supervisor.


Coordinator: Konstantinidou Antoni


3rd Training Workshop, webinar (14 hours)


Dates: Saturday 01/06/2024 & Sunday 02/06/2024, 10:00 – 17:00


Topic: “Issues of diagnosis and psychopathology in supervision”


Coordinator: Giaglis Giorgos



4rth Training Workshop, in person (35 hours)


Dates: Wednesday 28/8/2024 13:00, - Sunday 01/09/2024, 13:00


Topic: “A unitary perspective on the supervision situation”

In this workshop we explore how supervisor and therapist/supervisee, as interdependent part(icipant)s, co-create the supervision situation (or -field) and how they are influenced by the situation they co-create, at the same time. This implies that supervisor and therapist, while the therapist describes the situation with its client, explore the co-created situation, in which therapist and supervisor are situated. Both the situation of the therapist with its client and the situation of the therapist with the supervisor are subject of exploration and awareness. With this unitary field perspective, we bring our attention to the moments when a parallel process appears. When a repetitive and splitting behavior emerges and the unitary field loses its Wholeness. How, in particular, the process of transference and counter-transference can split the Wholeness when it does not come in to awareness. We supervise from a phenomenological attitude. By approaching the phenomena that occur without immediately wanting to understand and grasp them in any theoretical or classifying construction. To remain curious not only about the interpersonal dynamic, but also for the wider social, cultural and political field from which the phenomena present themselves. How this contributes to the created supervision situation. And how the Wholeness can be restored.


Coordinator: Klaren Guus


Facilitator: Shadmon Rama


Facilitator: Giaglis Giorgos


Venue: Residential in a coastal location, near Thessaloniki, in Chalkidiki.